Significant changes on the horizon
Letter from the Chair
Vicki Harnish
While the lingering impact of the pandemic during the fiscal year stalled the return of traffic volumes to pre-COVID levels, it did not slow down efforts to prepare the organization for the significant changes on the horizon.
Among those changes: Our long-serving CEO Steve Snider indicated his intention to retire after 28 years of dedicated service to HHB; in recognition of the importance of diversity and respect within the workplace – as well as in our private lives- the organization initiated several important Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiatives; and the Board revisited our five-year strategic plan to make the goals more measurable and the focus more future-oriented.
Approval of 10-Year Plan
As part of planning for the future, HHB developed a long-term plan for capital and maintenance projects, complete with the expected costs to carry out this plan. As it became obvious that the large expenditures required to keep our bridges safe and efficient over the longer term would necessitate increased spending and borrowing, a toll increase was proposed. In October, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSURB) approved the first bridge toll hike in a decade.
The increase, which went into effect Jan. 4, 2022, supports a 10-year $285 million maintenance and capital plan. The plan includes items ranging from the painting and restorative steel work on the Macdonald Bridge to the dehumidification of the main cable on the MacKay Bridge. As the fiscal year came to a close, the tender for the first of those major initiatives was in market.
Technology for Safer & Efficient Tolling
HHB is now embarking on two significant projects that will be instrumental in enabling it to continue to meet the future needs of commuters for cross harbour transportation: replacement of our outdated and now vendor unsupported toll system, with a next-generation tolling option; and the rebuilding or replacement of the MacKay Bridge within the next 20 years.
IT & Tolling staff are currently working with a selected partner to develop the backend office systems to support a more modern tolling option, as planning for the physical toll infrastructure and systems takes place.
Preliminary options have been developed for the future of the MacKay Bridge and senior leaders are working with consultants and HHB engineers to refine these options and identify the challenges and opportunities with each. Once this initial work is completed, a comprehensive public engagement plan will be initiated and the long road to a “new” or “renewed” MacKay bridge will start in earnest.
Thank you, Steve
As we move forward with this exciting agenda, we will welcome a new Chief Executive Officer to HHB. Tony Wright will be joining HHB in early August, at a pivotal time in the operations of HHB. The Board looks forward to working with Tony, while acknowledging that in addition to being exciting, it will also be very busy.
I also want to use this opportunity to thank Steve Snider for his service over the past 28 years. His passion and thoughtful analysis of issues has helped Board members make better decisions and he leaves the organization well-positioned to tackle the challenges we’ll encounter as we build the future.